A considerable challenge for many bathroom renovations is working within the limits of the bathroom space. To combat this hurdle, PlumbingOnline.ca has some great tips on making any bathroom space look big.

No Shower Curtains
Shower curtains can be the Achilles heel of any bathroom. A shower curtain acts as a wall and divides a bathroom space. Dividing an already limited space is rarely a good idea. Having a barrier-free shower or using a glass shower enclosure are two great alternatives to using a shower curtain. These bathroom options provide a sense of flow allowing the bathroom to appear more spacious.

Wall Mounted Product
Visible floor space will trick one's eye into believing a room is spacious. Vanities, sinks, faucets and toilets all come in a wall mounted option. The choice to keep fixtures compact and off the floor is a great way to maximize your space.

Big Mirrors
Displaying a large mirror can elongate a room. Depending on the size of the mirror, it can make an area appear to be significantly larger which is why mirrors are essential for any bathroom regardless of its size.

Bathroom Colour Palette
Choosing the right colour palette is an essential step for any bathroom renovation. Having a light-toned, inviting colour pallet can increase your bathrooms visual appearance. Shades of light grey or white with an appealing accent colour are excellent examples of inviting colour palettes that will create space. In contrast, using darker tones may make your bathroom look small and feel cramped.

The challenge in creating a colour palette is finding fixtures to correlate with the assigned colour. At PlumbingOnline.ca, we sell a vast number of quality finishes on all of our fixtures so you can match any colour you want! This includes faucets that comes in stainless steel, chrome, matte black, gold, bronze, and antique bronze.

What's Next?
PlumbingOnline.ca is confident that if you follow even one of the steps mentioned, your bathroom will appear larger. By removing barriers, displaying mirrors, and updating your colour palette, you can maximize precious bathroom space. Your bathroom is our priority at PlumbingOnline.ca. We are happy to assist you with any questions or enquiries you may have. Just email us at customersupport@plumbingonline.ca or call us toll free at 1-844-347-5862.

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